93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly:
Date: 5th August, 2017 (Start: 9 a.m)
Venue: Kabalega Resort Hotel, Masindi
Preparations for a successful 93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly at the Kabalega Resort Hotel in Masindi continue to take shape.
The assembly will be held on 5th August, 2017 starting at 9 am.
High Court Judge Henrietta Wolayo in Kampala on Thursday ruled that FUFA Assembly should to go ahead after a group of 3 fans had sought an injunction.
The Hearing of the main suit is on 29th September 2017.
FUFA Lawyer Kaasa Emmanuel who was part of the FUFA legal team in court is optmistic the matters will be solved amicably.
“We are glad that the High Court Judge Henrietta Wolayo in Kampala has given the Assembly a go ahead. He has however added that the main suit will be heard on 29th September 2017” Kaasa said.
Another hearing is ongoing in Lira Court.