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Administration: Club Management course at FUFA House

FUFA Club Management Course
Wednesday 3rd -6th February 2016
Venue: FUFA House, Mengo

The Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) has organised another Club Management course that will last four days at FUFA House in Mengo.
The targeted groups are participants of the FUFA Big League teams and other officials from different clubs across all football levels.

The course is organised in line with the agenda of professionalising club football in the country. It is the 3rd course to be conducted by FUFA having started with Azam Uganda Premier League club officials in 2015.

There will be examinations for certification of participants by FUFA at the end of the course.

FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo says that;
‘The decision to conduct this course was reached on by the FUFA Executive. All clubs in the AUPL and Big League must have Chief Executive officers. It is one of the requirements for club licensing’

The instructors for the course are; Eng. Moses Magogo (FIFA Instructor), Justus Mugisha (FIFA Instructor) Sam Mpiima (CAF Instructor), Mwebe Ali (Competitions), Ahmed Hussein (Communications), Decolas Kiiza (Finance) and Denis Lukambi (Legal).

The participants will be taken through; Football and its trends, FUFA and Its Development progammes, Finance Management, Types of clubs, statutes, rules and regulations, FIFA and Its development programmes, General Management, club Management, Marketing, Communications, Event Management, planning and Human Resource.
Participants at FUFA House: Kayondo Godfrey (Artland Katale FC), Ivan Kakembo (Sc Villa Jogoo), Wamalwa George Ivan (Busia Fisheries), Mutebi Shafic (Crane Media Institute), Mbazira Joel (Baza Holdings FC), Tamale Moses Bin Muhmamad (Wakiso United FC), Afeti Marvin (Onduparaka FC), Ajena Christopher (Citizen FC, Mbarara).

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