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BEACH SOCCER COACHING: FIFA Course progresses with success


15th – 20th December 2014

At Fisheries Training Institute, Entebbe

The FIFA Beach Soccer ongoing Coaching course which started on Monday at the Fisheries Training Institute in Entebbe has so far moved on well with participants responding positively.

FIFA beach soccer coaching instructor and National team of Oman Beach Soccer national Head coach, Mr. Talib Hilal is the main instructor of the course.

The one week long course will officially close on Saturday at Fisheries Training Institute Entebbe at 11am. On Friday the National Beach Soccer team, Sand Cranes will have a training session for the second time to be conducted by Talib. On Thursday, the beach Soccer referees had a session with the FIFA Instructor on new amendments of the game in theory and practical.


Beach Training1

Mr. Talib Hilal at the course with the participants in Entebbe

During the course, the participants have been undergoing several theory and practical sessions throughout the course.

This is the third FIFA Beach Soccer Coaching course Uganda is hosting after two earlier course in 2011 and 2012.


Uganda National Sand Cranes coach, Harunah Kebba is one of the participants.


Full list of participants:

Anthony Tumwesigye, Charles Ayiekoh, Moses Twaha, Hamza Junju, Harunah Kebba, Swallah Kenyi, Margret Nakitto, Faridah Bulega, Richard Bulega, Edrisa Walugembe, Arthur Kyesimwa, Steven Mugumya, Joseph Nyenje, Kenneth Kiguli, Adam Kato, Asuman Lubowa, Deo Mutabazi,Christine Wanyana, Samuel Sekajubi, Peter Emorut, Moses Lukyamuzi, Isa Asiimwe

MAIN PHOTO: Participants at the on-going FIFA Beach Soccer Coaching Course during a practical session at Lido beach, Entebbe

PHOTO CREDITS: FUFA Communications Department

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