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Beach Soccer: More clubs successfully lobby for corporate sponsorships

On a rather promising note, several clubs plying their trade in the elite pepsi national beach soccer league have continued to ‘reason beyond the box boundary’ by laying strategies of self sustainability – all in the name of ensuring sound administration and continuity.

Some of the fruits to showcase is the escalating rate by which the clubs have continued to lobby for individual sponsorship from corporate organizations.

Dalumba signs
Dalumba beach soccer club during the player unveiling ceremony for the season 2014/15

Dalumba beach soccer club is funded by Dalumba International limited (Nasser Road), a company dealing in photocopiers and stationary hardware.

The Titans club is run by Uhuru food and beverage restaurant and most recently Nkumba Select secured the sponsorship of S & S Enterprises Limited, a company that owns a saloon, Super Market, Restaurant and bar in Nkumba.

The Real Galaticals are sponsored by city radio station, Galaxy F.M.

Four of the other clubs are exclusively run on stable well managed budgets of established institutions.

These are; the reigning national league champions, Makerere University Business School (MUBS), former winners St Lawrence University, YMCA and Mutesa 1 Royal University.

Deo Mutabaazi, the chairperson of the Uganda Beach Soccer Association (UBSA) acknowledges the trend and path before followed by clubs is just the right sense of direction at a time professionalization is being preached across the board.

For the beach soccer clubs to attain their individual sponsorship is a great step forward towards the growth and prosperity of the game in this country. I am impressed and encourage the others yet to lobby to follow suit.

Real Galacticos Player in Red and white dribbles passed a  Zaba supermarket player.
Action between Zaba Super Market (now Uhuru Titans) and Galaxy f.m Real Galaticals beach soccer club at Lido beach last season

The league is run by Crown Beverages Limited under the Pepsi brand.

Other sponsors are FUFA, Lido Beach management and the UBSA itself.

MAIN PHOTO (L-R): S & S  Enterprise Limited officials, Olive Muhanguzi (Director) and Lawrence Kiweewa (General manager) hand over the balls to the Nkumba Select beach soccer manager, Isa Asiimwe on Tuesday, 29th September 2015 in Entebbe.

Asiimwe is also a member on the UBSA technical committee

PHOTOGRAPHY: FUFA Communications Department

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