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Beach soccer referees for physical fitness tests at Lido Beach

The FUFA referees office has released a list of ten referees to undergo various tests at Lido Beach Entebbe on Friday starting 11am for the battle of FIFA and FUFA badges next season.

According to the FUFA referees Manager Sam Wesonga Egesa, the list has three fifa referees while the remainder are National referees.

Beach soccer Ivan
UGANDA FIFA BEACH SOCCER REFEREES: (L-R): Muhammed Ssenteza, Ivan Bayige Kintu and Shafic Mugerwa with FUFA CEO, Edgar Watson shortly after receiving their badges on 31st December, 2014.


The tests for the beach soccer referees follows another test that was conducted last weekend and on Wednesday at Namboole for close to 1230 referees.

The list of beach soccer referees for tomorrow’s physical fitness test to be conducted by Ali Kalyango (National Physical Fitness Instructor and his assistant Rahman Kizito Nansubuga) has;

FIFA referees Kintu Ivan,  Ssentetza Mohamed and Mugerwa Shafic
Non-FIFA badge holders are; Sebuliba Moses, Sekimwanyi Ali, Busingye Jackson, Kiyimba Bruno, Nambafu Justine, Nankabirwa Betty and Kamulegeya Viola

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