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Circular: FUFA issues standard reference for nomination of referees on to FIFA List

The 20th FUFA Executive Committee which sat on 25th May 2019 at Brovad Hotel in Masaka discussed and deliberated on policy measures to ensure Ugandan Referees get strategic opportunities to be appointed by CAF and FIFA for International matches. Key among the factors considered was the age category of candidates for FIFA nominated referees, the CAF recommendations and general performance of those Ugandan referees already on the FIFA list.

Based on the above objective and parameters, the 20th FUFA Executive Committee passed the following decisions to be reinforced with immediate effect.

1a. Any Ugandan referee currently on the FIFA list who takes two (2) years without being appointed for any International match shall be automatically withdrawn from the list to create an opportunity for the nomination of another person/referee not on the list.

1b. Any Ugandan referee currently on the FIFA list who takes five (5) years without being appointed for a major International tournament is susceptible to be withdrawn from the list to create an opportunity for the nomination of another person/referee not on the list.

  1. The entry age for any new Ugandan person to be nominated on the FIFA list shall be as mentioned below in order to have appropriate referees that CAF and FIFA can develop for higher levels.

  2. 25 to 30 years for the Referee being nominated on the FIFA list for the first time.

  3. 23 to 30 years for the Assistant Referee being nominated on the FIFA list for the first time.

All stakeholders are duly informed that the measures are to enable FUFA/Uganda to develop Referees to higher levels in International Competitions.

Main Photo: Referees warming up during the course at FUFA Technical center in Njeru

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