Clubs Football Meeting: Thursday, 14th January 2016
At FUFA House, Mengo – Kampala (10:00 a.m)
At the beginning of 2015, Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) held a successful football symposium, the first ever in the history of Uganda’s football.
The symposium bore several vivid fruits, one of which the Project Cameroon 2019 was fronted.
Club football as discussed at the symposium remains one of the eight pillars of football development in any country.
FUFA in conjunction with the different clubs in the country intends to dedicate a large fraction of time in 2016 to discuss football on the playing fields.
Whereas FUFA has been working on the various aspects of the game, like governance and funding more time is now needed to discuss the current and future side of the football on the pitch to better quality of the football at the elite level, make the game more appealing to fans and masses consequently the marketing to generate resources to the league.
To this cause, the Federation president, Eng. Moses Magogo will meet the Club CEO’s, Chairmen and Head coaches for a brainstorming meeting between FUFA and FSL board.
The meeting will take place at FUFA House in Mengo, Kampala this Thursday, 14th January 2016
The invited club officials should be Recommendations from this meeting might be converted into statutes and regulations that every club should be bound to comply with.
MAIN PHOTO: FUFA President Moses Magogo shares a light moment with KCCA F.C chairman, Julius Kabugo during the club’s recent media and partnership engagement workshop held at Imperial Royale in Kampala.