The FUFA Transfer Matching system Manager Ali Mwebe has confirmed that the various stakeholders have welcomed the new rules and regulations about the Intermediaries that will replace the previous Player’s Agents Regulations.
Mwebe says that Mr. Sebulime Musa is the only registered football Intermediary under the new rules.
Each intermediary pays 1000 dollars for two a two year period.
The FIFA Executive Committee approved the new regulations on March 2014 and came into force on April 1, 2015.
The intention, with the entry into force of this new regulation, is to break with the present model of the players’ agents activity and changing it completely.
This is illustrated in particular by the fact that the name itself has changed to “intermediary”.
This new Regulation, which came into force on April 1, 2015, is the result of widespread discussions and a very lengthy and extensive consultation procedure with all the relevant members of the international football community, and its main objective is to propose a new system that is more transparent and simpler to administer and implement, resulting, in turn, in better enforcement at national level, through each member association.