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FIFA responds to NCS over FUFA’s registration under the Trustee Incorporation Act

Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) has for the second time in a space of three weeks written to the National Council of Sports (NCS) explaining their stand of forced incorporation of FUFA under the Trustees Incorporation Act.

In a letter written by Marco Villige, the FIFA Deputy Secretary General (Administration) through the FUFA Chief Executive Officer, Edgar Watson,  FIFA  points to the bold fact that any form of forced incorporation of FUFA under the Trustees Incorporation Act would be considered as interference in contravention to the FIFA Statutes, Article 14, paragraph 1 and Article 19 paragraph 1.

The letter also highlights about the continued readiness of FIFA to dispatch a delegation to Uganda should a meeting with the relevant authorities finally be convened.

Full Letter from FIFA to which CAF is copied:

We refer to your letter dated 15 June 2016 with regard to the incorporation of the Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA), the content of which received our full attention.

We take note that the government authorities of Uganda appear to continue t0 insist on the incorporation of FUFA under the “Trustees Incorporation Act”.

ln this context, we reiterate our position — which was communicated to you through our letters dated 30th September 2013 and 26th May 2016 — that the incorporation of FUFA under the Trustees Incorporation Act seems to be in contravention of the FIFA Statutes, namely article l4 par. 1 i) and article 19 par. 1′.

Furthermore, we deplore that the relevant authorities are not responsive to our suggestion to have a dedicated meeting in order to discuss the issues at stake in view of finding a mutually satisfactory way forward.

Nevertheless, we remain ready to dispatch a delegation to Uganda should such a meeting finally be convened.

However, we would like t0 underline that any forced incorporation of FUFA under the Trustees Incorporation Act would be considered as interference in contravention to the above-mentioned provisions of the FIFA Statutes and would consequently be brought t0 the attention of the relevant FIFA bodies to take appropriate measures against FUFA, including sanctions.

Finally, we kindly draw your attention to the fact that this information is only of a general nature and, therefore, without prejudice to any decision that any other competent body of FIFA may be called t0 pass in this or similar matters in the future.

We thank you for taking note of the above and keeping us informed about further developments in this regard.

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