The FUFA Executive has amended Article 19 (2)(V) of the FUFA Competitions Rules (FCR) where hitherto only three (3) foreign players could be fielded in a FUFA Competition Match.
Considering that our clubs are starting to compete in group stages of CAF Inter Club competitions and yet their probable competitors use more foreign players, the Executive has amended an increase to the number of foreign players for FUFA Competitions from three (3) to five (5). This will, among others, enable our Clubs in the CAF Inter Club Competitions to use such players in FUFA Competitions as well.
In this regard the FCR Article 19 (2) (V) is hereby, with immediate effect, amended to read as follows:
“A Club shall be allowed to field a maximum of five (5) foreign players in any single FUFA Competition match. Relatedly not more than one (1) of the five (5) may be a goal keeper”
In case of any further inquiries please contact the undersigned on email or telephone +256 772475739/753374898.