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FUFA Extra Ordinary Assembly : FUFA Spearheads compliance of NCS Regulations

The FUFA  general assembly exercising its mandate under the FUFA statutes has today passed amendments to its statutes in compliance with the national council of sports regulations 2014.

Key among the issues; was the clarification that the body in charge of football in Uganda is FUFA and not FUFA limited.


Delegates vote during the assembly

The Other element was a clear description of the mandate and powers of the association’s legal arm, and these powers were clearly captured in the adopted amendments by the assembly.


FUFA Lawyer, Alex Luganda (right) with  deputy Secretary General National council of sports Mr. David Katende Ssemakula

The general assembly has overwhelmingly and unanimously passed he amendments in the presence of deputy Secretary General National council of sports Mr. David Katende Ssemakula who represented the council.


Finance director, Decolas Kiiza (left) with FUFA  Executive Committee Member, Rogers Byamukama

Prior to the discussion of the proposed amendments by the FUFA assembly, the same were sent to FIFA legal department that also made its input to amendment process and appreciated FUFA’s efforts in streamlining its legal regime.

The newly amended statutes are to be sent to FIFA within the next 48 hours for approval after which signed copies will be availed to the members of the assembly and posted on our official communication forums.


The Delegates who attended the assembly later toured  Njeru technical center.

FIFA tour2




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