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FUFA Football Summit confirmed for 12th March

FUFA Football Summit 

Venue: Serene Suites in Mutundwe

Date: Monday 12th March, 2018

Time: 9am-5pm

It will be the first of its kind in Uganda for a summit of this magnitude to be organised by FUFA.

In a communication sent to various stakeholders partly reads;

There will be presentation of well researched status in selected aspects of football development by experts, group discussions from which ideas will be drawn for recommendations to FUFA. The Federation shall later come up with the football development strategy’

According to the FUFA Football Development Director Ali Mwebe, 6 topics will be discussed during the summit.

‘In line with our Vision and Mission, FUFA has observed the need to improve many aspects of the game. In this regard, a one-day FUFA Football Summit is being organized under the theme  ‘Football Development’ with the main goal of improving the quality of the game’ said Mwebe.

‘We have invited coaches of the teams in the Azam Uganda Premier League, personnel from the football youth progammes in Uganda. We have also extended invitation to the Government and corporate world.’ added the German trained football development Director Mwebe.

The Football Development Department at FUFA house has confirmed Serene Suites in Mutundwe will host the ‘FUFA Football Summit’ on 12th March, 2018.

It will be the first of its kind in Uganda for a summit of this magnitude to be organised by FUFA.

In a communication sent to various stakeholders partly reads;

There will be presentation of well researched status in selected aspects of football development by experts, group discussions from which ideas will be drawn for recommendations to FUFA. The Federation shall later come up with the football development strategy’

According to the FUFA Football Development Director Ali Mwebe, 6 topics will be discussed during the summit.

‘In line with our Vision and Mission, FUFA has observed the need to improve many aspects of the game. In this regard, a one-day FUFA Football Summit is being organized under the theme  ‘Football Development’ with the main goal of improving the quality of the game’ said Mwebe.

‘We have invited coaches of the teams in the Azam Uganda Premier League, personnel from the football youth progammes in Uganda. We have also extended invitation to the Government and corporate world.’ added the German trained football development Director Mwebe.

The topics are;

  • Player development & Talent identification
  • Coaching Development
  • Refereeing Development
  • Equipment, facilities & technology
  • Sports Science and Medicine
  • Football Entities (Family, Schools/Academies, Clubs, national team)

The One day summit will be held at Serene Suites – Mutundwe on Monday March 12, 2018 starting 9:00am to 5:00pm.

MAIN PHOTO: FUFA Football Development Director Ali Mwebe has confirmed the latest news about the summit. 

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