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FUFA Member Associations receive office equipment

FUFA Members, the 8 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the 8 Regional Member Associations over the weekend received an assortment of office equipment including computers and office furniture.

In a function held at FUFA Complex on Friday, FUFA 2nd Vice President Darius Mugoye and FUFA Projects Manager Sumaya Kiwanuka presided over the handover.

FUFA 2nd Vice President, Darius Mugoye and FUFA Projects Manager Sumaya Kiwanuka testing out a desktop.

Mugoye indicated this was one of the ways in which FUFA is supporting its Members.

“As a Federation our vision is to be number one footballing nation in Africa on and off the field and believe that we cannot achieve this if our members are not ably supported. Like it was communicated in the 98th General Assembly that sat in Gulu earlier this month, It is our intention to improve on the assistance we extend to our members. These are some of the facilities we believe our members need to improve on service delivery.” He remarked.

Some of the equipment donated to FUFA Member Associations.

“FUFA pays salaries of the General Secretaries of the 8 regions to ensure that they are fully present and committed. We are very proud to say that today all our members have fully functional offices.” Mugoye added.

It was communicated in the General Assembly that money going to the regions would be increased in the financial year starting January 2023 but before that the Federation has already secured computer sets and office furniture to help improve efficiency in service delivery to the football community.

FUFA has 8 Special interest Groups which include; Uganda Football Referees Association, Uganda Women Football Association, Uganda Beach Soccer Association, Futsal Association Uganda, Coaches Association, Uganda Football Players Association, Uganda Youth Football Association and Uganda Schools Football Association.

These plus the 8 footballing regions of; Northern, West Nile, Western, Eastern, North East, Kampala, Buganda and Kitara region were the beneficially of the equipment distributed.

Some of the members receiving office equipment at FUFA Complex.

Members Reaction

Kiwanuka Roberts, Chairperson UYFA

UYFA Chairperson Roberts Kiwanuka (extreme right).

“I am so thankful to FUFA for this gesture because they are literally transforming us from analog to digital meaning, we are going to be able to do timely reporting efficiently. Documentation, transfer and archiving of data is one of the areas that has been disturbing SIGs and with the computers given I am sure that has been resolved.”

Kyambadde Livingstone, Chairperson Uganda Football Coaches Association

“We are very grateful to FUFA for finding it necessary to furnish our offices. Our work is going to be greatly improved in terms of communications since all coaches are going to be able to communicate from wherever they are digitally as necessitated in the modern game. A nice working environment like a well-furnished office is a great motivation for the people to do the work required of them.”

Ibrahim Mugera, CEO Futsal Association Uganda

“This equipment is going to help us fully set up our offices and so help us conveniently perform our duties in a conducive environment. This will help us deliver on our goals in terms of developing the game.”

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