The Federation of Uganda Football Associations and the management of Mandela National Stadium have this evening reached a consensus to host the Cranes World Cup fixture against Senegal on Saturday.
The two parties reached an agreement in a meeting held at Namboole this evening. FUFA will now have to part with 45m UGX to hire the facility from the stadium management. Namboole had earlier asked for 84m UGX but later revised upwards to 97m UGX before the evening meeting between the two parties.
The public is hereby assured that the match will now go on and that the tickets will now be on market starting Thursday morning.
FUFA would like to appreciate the spirit exhibited by the Namboole stadium management in the meeting today and all individuals that have been of importance in our negotiations.
The joint efforts have seen football emerging winners of these negotiations and not individuals, FUFA or Nambool