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FUFA names 9-man Electoral Commission


The FUFA Executive Committee that sat on February 23 discussed and approved a nine man electoral commission that will conduct and oversee all elections scheduled to start in May this year. Below is the list:

  1.  Mr. Patrick Okanya (Secondary school Head teacher)-Chairman
  2.   Mr. Ssajjabbi Vincent (Makerere University Lecturer)- Vice Chairman.
  3.  Mr. Steven Battanudde (District Inspector of Schools, Nakaseke district)-Member.
  4.  M/s Anek Susan (President Uganda Netball Federation)- Member.
  5.  Mr. Mwanja William (District Inspector of Schools, Wakiso)-Member.
  6.  Mr. John Walter Odyek (Former member of the National Council of Sports)
  7.  Mr. Rwangire Milton (From Ankole Region)
  8.  Mr. Gandi James Fred (Former chairman National Post Primary Schools competitions).
  9.  Mr. Abale Asiraf (From Yumbe district) 
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