The FUFA Executive Committee that sat on February 23 discussed and approved a nine man electoral commission that will conduct and oversee all elections scheduled to start in May this year. Below is the list:
- Mr. Patrick Okanya (Secondary school Head teacher)-Chairman
- Mr. Ssajjabbi Vincent (Makerere University Lecturer)- Vice Chairman.
- Mr. Steven Battanudde (District Inspector of Schools, Nakaseke district)-Member.
- M/s Anek Susan (President Uganda Netball Federation)- Member.
- Mr. Mwanja William (District Inspector of Schools, Wakiso)-Member.
- Mr. John Walter Odyek (Former member of the National Council of Sports)
- Mr. Rwangire Milton (From Ankole Region)
- Mr. Gandi James Fred (Former chairman National Post Primary Schools competitions).
- Mr. Abale Asiraf (From Yumbe district)