The Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) president has on Thursday, 4th June 2015 addressed the media at the federation of headquarters in Mengo.
The FUFA President’s speech, which was relied live on 102.1 FUFA f.m was divided into three parts; the current state of the game in the country, the accreditation procedure to Uganda Cranes international games and about the recently concluded FIFA 65th congress at Zurich in Switzerland.
Read the full extract of the speech:
1) The Current State of the Game
For avoidance of being misunderstood, I state again that I am only the 27th FUFA President and I belong to the school of thought that I am a leader of an administration that is building on top of a strong foundation that was laid by the past 26 FUFA Presidents of this 91 year old institution called FUFA.
I take this opportunity to salute all my predecessors who still are alive and pray to the Almighty for kindness in judgement for those who passed on.
It will be 22 months at the end of June for my 48-month term as the President of FUFA. I am here to present the state of the game.
I came to office on a manifesto that premised my administration on a 4-pointer strategy.
1.1) Internal Reforms
Secretariat; we currently have a secretariat manned by 28 fully paid staff who are on contract. We recruited professionals in the area of Finance, Education, Legal, Competitions, Marketing and Communication. The compensation framework for these staff is currently under review for better motivation.
FUFA has also improved on the facilities of secretariat by acquisition of broadband internet, wifi, furniture, security access controls, computers, and a befitting reception lounge. The executive lounge provides room for all members of the executive committee a suited environment to work. On top of maintaining the FUFA fleet, there has also been acquisition of newer and more cars. I now believe we have a secretariat with the minimum basic to undertake the operational function of FUFA instead of volunteer in the executive and standing committees
Governance; we have managed the institution in full compliance with the FUFA Statutes. All statutory obligations have been fulfilled. The functioning of the 6 bodies of FUFA thus the Excom, the General Assembly, the committees, FUFA Ltd, the judicial bodies and the secretariat have executed their independent roles without political interference.
Whereas we have been able to help our 32 members undertake governance reforms, the compliance of the FUFA Members to the FUFA Statutes and their own statutes is still wanting and we have a job to do.
Membership; we have maintained and grown our membership by admission of the Uganda Youth Football Association and Uganda Football Players Association
Regulations; One of the cardinal roles of FUFA is to regulate “Association Football” in its jurisdiction. We have revised and drawn many new regulations and this is a continuous role. As you will soon learn, regulations about ownership of clubs, intermediaries, and scouts will soon be released
Legal Personality; we amended our statutes through our General Assembly to remove the ambiguity of the legal status of FUFA. FUFA is an association of 32 Members and governed through 6 bodies. 1)The Executive Committee, 2)The General Assembly, 3)The Standing Committees, 4)The Secretariat, 5)The Judicial Bodies and 6)FUFA Ltd
As FUFA, we strongly believe that the 1964 NCS Act is obsolete and no regulations can fix the Act to address the challenges of the modern game. Even though the 2014 regulations for the 1964 NCS Act issued by the minister have been contested in court and currently on an Interim Order not to be implemented, FUFA submitted all the requirements to NCS for the registration of association and we still await a certificate of registration whenever the legal gymnastics are exhausted
It is therefore my belief as the President that we have made a lot of progress in the area of internal reforms to provide an environment that allows football to be properly played on the fields.
1.2) Finances
When I presented my candidature, I was candid that I have no means personally and also believed that it is not sustainable for any private individual to finance the activities of football for the entire nation. I am aware that I have been quoted out of context in the past on this point but as a leader, I am obligated to direct the game into a sustainable development direction even if it may not be popular.
I said my administration will approach the area of through frugal and efficient utilization of the meagre resources available and through creating more revenue streams.
I believe we have been very successful using this model as this has been the only trick to ensure the institution has fulfilled all its financial obligations without alleviating the credit levels.
We have undertaken all our financial obligations inclusive of running down on credit levels, regular payment of the national head coach, improvement of the secretariat, the preparation and presentation of the national teams (43 international matches played in 22 months of my administration) and undertaking development activities
We have increased the payments to the Staff from 8m UGX to 33 m UGX inclusive of NSSF and PAYE, the allowances to the National Team Players, the Meeting allowances for the General Assembly, Executive and Standing Committees. With effect from 2015/6 Season, also the referees’ allowances are going to be increased. We have also extended financial assistance to our members
We introduced stringent financial procedures that have allowed us plan, monitor, record and report all financial transactions. There is always a quarterly finance report to the Executive Committee.
We are currently undergoing the external audit by the auditors appointed by the FUFA General Assembly in Lira for the period ending 31st December 2014.
As soon as we receive the opinion of the Auditors, we shall share the Audited Financial Report with our membership and other stakeholders.
This is the procedure provided for in the FUFA Statutes. Whereas this matter raises anxiety, we have not faltered the FUFA statutes or any international accounting standards.
We have also generated more resources from our marketing approach.
We registered the FUFA Trade Marks, and employed full-time marketing professionals.
We underwent a re-branding exercise and currently we proudly sponsored by Airtel Uganda, Nile Breweries, NIC, BIDCO Uganda Limited and Azam Television.
There are currently 5 corporate sponsors that marketing team is negotiating with.
Government Funding:
It is also at this moment that I thank H.E the President of the Republic of Uganda, Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the entire Government of Uganda for the financial support we have received.
We have so far received 1 billion UGX since I came to office for the Government of Uganda.
All this money has been paid as allowances to players and coaches of the national teams while on duty
We have also generated resources from Sale of the merchandise, Local Television, and from FIFA.
1.3) External Relations:
I promised to improve on our relationship with the various stakeholders.
Our approach of listening and giving a chance to all has helped us improve this area and the conflicts have reduced.
The Uganda Football Players Association has been admitted and more ex-internationals are being integrated in the operations of the game.
We shall continue to reach out.
In order for world exterior to FUFA to appreciate our efforts, we had to rethink our communications strategy.
We recruited a professional communication person and our digital communication platform has been buzzing.
A monthly e-newsletter is circulated on top of professional organization and management of the FUFA Press conferences and Releases.
We have also acquired the 102.1 FUFA fm for engaging the FM Radio Audience.
The Biannual Printed Magazine for the reading audience will be produced after June but the compilation is going on.
We have also provided audience and moved to meet all strategic persons and offices in order to enhance our perception.
1.4) Technical:
After the expedition of the U-17 National Team, we conceived the idea of the FUFA Juniors League for the U-17. I am glad this has kicked off with 13 teams
The FUFA Women Elite League is in the second round. It is another dream come true.
The education programme for the coaches and administrators have been enormous
The Beach Soccer national team was created and has so far played 4 international games
Since I came to office, Uganda National Teams have played a total of 43 games. They have 23 Wins, 7 draws and 13 Losses. These matches include 8 away wins.
FIFA Goal IV has been completed and we are now due for Goal V this September.
The FUFA Schools of Excellence Programme has kicked off.
The Referees training continues and we have now international Beach Soccer Referees.
The young Referees Programme has now been passed by the Executive Committee.
2) Accreditation Procedure:
In one of the areas FUFA wants to improve is Event management and we have since categorized AFCON and World Cup Qualifiers as our top events.
In such a circumstances we need to improve in certain areas.
All persons that intend to access different areas of the stadium as people on duty will be accredited.
The MD of Airtel, my main Sponsors will be accredited and so is the FUFA president.
This is an international practice and we do not want anyone to be embarrassed.
Members of the Media who will not be on duty but wish to watch the games do not need to fill the forms for accreditation as FUFA has extended to USPA complimentary tickets to cater for such categories.
FUFA intends this time round to give the accredited media personnel a good treat and a media room equipped with Television screens for replays and wifi for timely sharing of stories.
We intend to ask players to be available in the media zone for brief interviews. Now we can only do this for those on duty and not everyone.
Whereas accreditation is meant to filter out the supportive and the non-supportive media, FUFA will also accredit those on duty that have been negative in the build up to the game. We have no intentions of blocking people
Considering the current environment surrounding FIFA, I am obliged to issue a statement on behalf of FUFA.
As we earlier communicated, FUFA voted for Mr. Sepp Blatter in the just concluded FIFA Presidential Elections. As FUFA we do not take decisions by impulse
We analyzed and considered the following facts about Mr. Blatter;
1) When Mr. Blatter came to office in 1998, FIFA was spending only 14m USD in development which were a few courses here and there. The State of FUFA in Uganda was sharing a room at the NCS with another sport.
Currently FIFA is spending 1bn USD in development and FUFA now owns the FUFA House, FUFA Technical Centre and 102.1 FUFA fm.
There are enormous courses in Administration, Coaching and Refereeing going on.
2) About 70% of the FIFA World Cup Revenue is shared by countries that did not qualify for the World Cup, where the majority of Africa and Asia, falls as solidarity. This has not been received well in certain circles and one of the crimes committed by Mr. Blatter
3) With the FAP of 250,000 USD, FUFA is now able to employ staff, undertake Youth, Women, Beach and Education programmes
4) With the World Cup in Africa, FUFA benefitted with the artificial turf in Njeru. The 2010 World Cup was the first for FIFA to make more money and distribute bonuses that FUFA was a beneficiary of. Our continent hosted the World.
5) It is also unfounded to say that Mr. Blatter is corrupt when no a single charge has been brought against him.
6) If it is in the name of solidarity of the game of football, UEFA has the financial muscle to support many of these African and Asian countries that provide talent, audience and markets to the UEFA Champions League and many of the domestic leagues that generate billions of USD. UEFA earns from each one of us here and in this country. They cannot even forfeit the 250,000 USD of FAP from FIFA which is actually peanuts to their budgets
7) It is also true that a few major countries in Europe urged us to vote for Mr. Blatter
It is therefore based on the above considerations that African countries decided to vote as a block. There is no regret in the decision we took as a continent to protect the interests of African football.
I really pity the naivety of any African who thinks we should have voted differently. Such people are out of touch with the reality we go through every day to manage football in this part of the world
Also to note is that, as the person who casts the vote for FUFA, I can assure you that let no one confuse you that there is any vote buying at this level. This is the usual lazy thinking of some people who have no basis of such allegations
What Next?
I read and internalized the statement by Mr. Blatter and you could feel the pain of taking the decision he took. However in the circumstances, he took the best decision to protect international football.Blatter has been at FIFA for the last 43 years and his work and love for FIFA is unprecedented and in his statement, he wants to depart when certain reforms he always wanted to do have been achieved.
I applaud Mr. Blatter for the decision and direction. What is clear is that whoever wants to become the next FIFA president will have to address the interests of Africa. I am happy Mr. Blatter gave us the opportunity to exercise our unity as Africa and consequently our value in the equation. Had he quit before, we would not be in a bargaining position we now have
FUFA will take rights in the FIFA Statues as a member to vote when the moment comes and we shall publicly support a candidate that will guarantee African interests.
“It’s Our Game, Our Country”.