Newly elected FUFA President, Eng. Moses Magogo has officially revealed the 4 year master plan (2017-2021).
This happened on Wednesday during his first official address to the media at FUFA House in Mengo, Kampala.
Eng. Magogo was flanked by the three Vice Presidents on the previous executive; Justus Mugisha, Darius Mugoye and Dennis Mbidde as well as the FUFA Communications manager, Ahmed Hussein who coordinated the press conference.
Here is the full FUFA President’s speech.
Dear Fellow Countrymen,
I am here to present Our Plan for the Next 4 Years as FUFA but before I do that, Allow me thank;
The Almighty Allah
HE the President of the republic of Uganda
The Minister of Education and Sports
The entire government apparatus
The Sponsors-Airtel, Nile, Bidco, Eco Bank, Azam and other football sponsors
The Executive Committee, Secretariat, Committees
The Players of the National Teams, and clubs
The Coaches, Referees,
The FUFA Members
The FUFA Electoral Committee
The FUFA Legal Team (Full time lawyer)
The Media
The Fans
FIFA and CAF (President and Organisation)
The Honourable Delegates who have recognized myself and team delivery
Whatever we have achieved, the curtain comes down on 31st August 2017.
It is History, We need to look at the future
- The Institution
The rate of growth of the game and the industry demands an institution that is modern and able to serve.
- Governance; FUFA being a self-governing body, we shall continue to improve our internal governance systems. We shall;
Ensure, empower and enforce the independence and functioning of the
Legislature (General Assembly),
Executive (Executive Committee supported by the committees and the Secretariat) and
Judiciary (Judicial Bodies),
Improve and enforce the Statutes, regulations and policies.
Generally develop and implement good corporate governance practices at FUFA
- The FUFA Human Resource; We shall recruit, train, equip, maintain, motivate and retain quality and in quantity personnel for FUFA. We shall also continue to undertake annual performance appraisals and realign the FUFA organogram in accordance with the tasks at hand
- Innovations; We have resolved to start a FUFA Sacco for the persons of football to save, lend and borrow money from. It will be managed by independent professionals and we believe as FUFA we will contribute and ask Government to contribute to the same. This revolving fund will be used to improve on the lives of the people of football
- FUFA Symposiums; Instead of the statutory meetings such as for the Executive Committee, Standing Committees and the General Assembly, FUFA will organise Football Symposiums throughout the country and year involving internal and external stakeholders to generate ideas and debate on topical issues that will compose the discussion of the statutory meetings
- Facilities; We shall continue to acquire and improve the facilities of FUFA such as Transport, ICT, Security, office space, furniture, systems automatizations.
- Nation-wide coverage; The creation and empowering of Regional Football Associations is intended to improve on service delivery to the grassroots and masses country wide. FUFA will finance at least 2 fulltime staff in the Regional Offices
- Stakeholders Confidence; The Football internal stakeholders include the following categories of people;
Clubs Managers and owners,
Administrators and Employees of FUFA and its Members
Members of FUFA Bodies
The Football external stakeholders include the following;
Service Providers
There is need for the internal and external stakeholders to build confidence in FUFA and its officials
We will undertake to provide as much information as possible in a simplified manner of the activities and programmes of FUFA
We shall also undertake an outreach programme to the various targeted audiences in a scientific manner

- The Industry
Whereas the game of football worldwide is growing very fast technically and commercially, the industry in Uganda is still largely amateur and unregulated. The China Government as a strategy has unveiled to create a football economy of 850Billion USD by 2025 inclusive of hosting and winning the FIFA World Cup while the UK authorities collect billions of pounds in taxes from the English Premier League alone. In addition, football is a huge source of employment to the youth. We shall therefore take lead to advocate for creation of an industry.
The Government is a key player in realizing the dream of a fully-fledged professional sports industry in Uganda. We shall engage government in the following areas;
- The Law; Creation of a modern sports law which answers questions of stadium safety, Match fixing, Betting, Doping, protection of sports brands’ commercial rights, the autonomy of sport and creation of the court of arbitration of Sport.
- Infrastructure; provision sports facilities by acquiring, rehabilitating and maintaining of international, national and regional standard sports facilities. We will advocate to centralization of ownership of sports facilities in the entire country.
- Funding; provision of funding for the national teams expenses of fulltime staff salaries, travel expenses, Accommodation, Bonuses and Allowances for the Official contingent and provision of air tickets for international competitions representative clubs.
- Sports Industry Human Resource; creating proper curriculum in the education system to develop the competent Human Resource in Administration, Marketing, Legal and technical areas of Sport. Sport is a very specialized industry that general training may not provide such human resource
- National Sports Federations (NSF); As a regulatory mechanism, ensure NSFs fulfil their own statutory requirements
- Strategic agencies of government; integral planning to integrate sports into other government programmes in the areas of health, wealth creation, tourism, patriotism, gender, youth, crime prevention etc
- Football
With a better Institution of FUFA and Sports Industry, we shall be equipped to undertake the football development itself
- Club Football; The development of footballers is an everyday activity. Without proper club football, the national team will not get the right players and consequently the right results.
- FUFA Clubs Pro Agenda; We shall undertake the FUFA Clubs Pro Agenda a programme that will help clubs reengineer their technical and business processes and also focus on long term development
- Club Licensing; We will also continue to undertake club licensing for both the professional and amateur clubs football
- Competitions; Football competitions are the face of a football organisation like FUFA. More particularly, we shall;
- Stamp our authority on the organisation and integrity of match results of competitions that FUFA authorizes
- Adhere to improving our organizational abilities of football competitions managed by FUFA.
- ensure that the 3rd, 4th and 5th Division Leagues are played in accordance with the FUFA Rules and in as many DFAs as possible
- Introduce the following competitions;
- i) Inter provinces Challenge,
- ii) FUFA Elite Schools Competition
- iii) FUFA Primary Schools Competition
- iv) FUFA S1/S2 Competition
- Introduce the FUFA Registration Bureau where all documents to be legally accepted in accordance with the FUFA Regulations will have to be registered. Persons, Associations and Clubs will also be registered under the FIFA Connect under this Bureau.
- Undertake Player Registration by inputting information at RFA Offices and electronically transmitting the data to the Headquarters for authenticating and Returning to the RFA to print
- License all service providers in the competitions thus;
- i) Coaches
- ii) Assessors
- iii) Instructors
- iv) Intermediaries

- Technical Development
- Beach Soccer; We shall undertake to create a CECAFA Competition and also to compete in CAF Competitions. We plan to have a Beach Soccer Facility at Namboole
- Futsal; We will integrate the Uganda Futsal Association Activities into FUFA Activities
- Education; More Education for Coaches, Administrators, Referees and Sports Medicine Practitioners. This will be done under the Education Strategy. It is our strategy to fast track a group of coaches through international training and exchange programmes
- Women; To engage CECAFA to introduce the CECAFA Women Club Competition and also to organise the Women Championship. We shall also return to CAF Competitions
- Youth; The U17 league shall continue with the FUFA Support. We shall also explore to undertake the U15 Competition. Will we compete in CECAFA and CAF Competitions
- Sports Medicine; We shall engage to introduce Medical Insurance for the players particularly at the Professional League level. More First Aid Practitioners will be trained
- Statistics; We will institute the tools and persons to capture technical data about the players
- National Teams
Staff; We intend to have fulltime staff for the National Team on a payroll if the government plans come through. We shall also name Personnel behind the National teams on Merit
Competitions; we shall register for the CECAFA and CAF competitions for the
Women (Crested Cranes)
Beach (Sand Cranes)
U17 (Boys)
U20 (Boys)
U23 (Boys)
- Membership
We will continue to mentor and provide Financial and Facilities Support to the RFA and SIG
- Referees
The Young Referees Programme will continue with the U18 Referees. We will study and adjust the FUFA Referees Manual
- Players
We will set a policy to help long serving national team players to prepare for the life after football. We will explore the issue of pension for the players in the Elite League. The Legends will be more utilized to promote football. The players association should be strengthened to help in players’ contracts stability
- Programme + Projects
Parking Yard
- Commercialization
Modern Day football requires lots of monies. We have proven that we know what to do but without resources nothing can be implemented. There a wrong misconception that football has lots of monies already. We ignore the huge expenses.
The only solution to lack of funds is to commercialise football.
Rich individuals and government organisation funding football budgets is not sustainable and has its limitations in professionalization.
Let us invest in making more money. It may not be instant but we have to get there. We need to target the audiences at home that don’t come to the stadium. We have to put our events, competitions and programmes on TV and Digital Media.
If it requires FUFA to produce its commercial properties into electronic signal, we will do. We will reinvest the revenues generated to make better products for the markets by paying those creating the product.
- Marketing & Communications:
FUFA Foundation for CSR
FUFA Anthem, Flag
New Uganda Cranes Jersey
Brand Protection
Brand Guidelines
Brand Registration
Brand Growth
Digital Media
Revenue Generation
35 billion UGX by 2021

Chasing the Dream
Stop uncalled for battles
We should discuss football not persons
Football requires my brains.
There are not many Ugandans if not Africans who conceptualize football the way I do in addition to investing the hours I do
I have provided my time, person and brains to improve football. Everyone agrees there is a huge change, why should some few self-seeking individuals seek to destroy the person instead. Why should people work day and night to confuse and compromise state agents to arrest me for no crime?
We have accounted for all the funds received from government with certificates of accountability issued. FUFA is one of the few FAs in Africa eligible to receive FIFA Forward Funding. There is even a central audit by FIFA on FAs
Since I came I have improved on accounting of this institution;
- Clubs, Staffs, Players, Referees were all being paid in cash, it is now bank accounts
- FUFA does not collect cash anymore but paid into bank account
- Delegates used to get books of accounts 3-5 days to assembly. It is a month now as provided for without any questions
- FUFA used to have a part-time VP-Finance now we have 4 fulltime finance employees with CPA certified Finance Director
- FUFA prepares accounts and external auditors audit unlike before when auditors prepared the accounts
- Accounts are discussed at Finance Committee and Exco before General Assembly which was not the case before
- We even publish the accounts in the Print media, all these are new corporate governance practices that we introduced but none of you will write about such changes instead will ask for accountability. How was FUFA accounting 4-years ago?
Elections and Politics period is finished
Let us push in one direction
Those fighting the persons are fighting the game and sowing seeds instability for long periods
Let us not take for granted what we have achieved and don’t want to talk about
Leadership comes from God.
I am the President because God has allowed
Those who have gone to courts, we remind you that our statutes and those FIFA do not allow that and you are advised to withdraw and come back to the FUFA Structures
Work for Football by adding value and get paid
No industry carries unnecessary baggage. Tourism, insurance etc do not have hang-ons
This is what Professionalism is all about
Let us be ethical and professional (Media)
We strongly encourage Positive Criticism
Let us together create a professional sports industry
Let us be Happy and condemn the champions of hate
It is Our Game, It is Our Country