FUFA has received communication from Sports Club Villa indicating that the Extra Ordinary Club Congress held on Saturday 23rd October 2021 at Serena Hotel- Kigo resolved;
- Sports Club Villa shall undertake the election of the Club President and the entire Executive Board by Saturday 13th November 2021 in accordance with the Club Statutes that were approved by FUFA.
- In addition to the provisions of Sports Club Villa Statutes, the eligibility criteria for the Candidates of the Position of Club President of Sports Club Villa shall include vetting and approval by the Board of the Registered Trustees of the Villa Members Trust.
3- Sports Club Villa has requested FUFA that considering the above Club Congress resolutions, the Club is issued with a provisional club license for the 2021/22 Uganda Premier League Season.
FUFA has now granted Sports Club Villa a conditional and provisional club license subject to the terms in the Club Congress resolutions presented to FUFA.
However, FUFA shall withdraw immediately the provisional license in the event that the club fails to fulfill the resolutions against which the license has been issued.
FUFA has directed its various Bodies concerned with the organisation of the FUFA Competitions to include Sports Club Villa in the FUFA Competitions fixtures inclusive of the fixtures of the 2021/22 Uganda Premier League with immediate effect.
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