FUFA Administrative Structure
Federation of Uganda Football Associations(FUFA) is headed by the President who seeks office by vote. Election of the President is done after every four years through the General Assembly where the 88 delegates from the 34 Members cast their votes.
To become a FUFA President, you must have garnered majority of the total votes.
Bodies of FUFA
FUFA as an institution is made up of eight bodies namely;
- The FUFA Ordinary General Assembly
- The FUFA Executive
- The FUFA Emergency Committee
- The FUFA Standing and Ad-hoc Committees
- The FUFA Judicial Bodies
- The FUFA Secretariat
- FUFA Trustees
- The FUFA Club Lincensing body
- The FUFA Electoral Committee
The FUFA Assembly
The Ordinary FUFA General Assembly is the supreme and legislative body of football in Uganda and is comprised of 34 members (Associations) that are represented by 88 delegates.
The Assembly takes place annually where delegates convene and review activities carried out in the previous twelve months plus planning for the future.
According to Article 21 (2) of the FUFA Statutes and Regulations, the FUFA President conducts business at the General Assembly in compliance with the standing orders.
Some of the key areas of address in the FUFA Ordinary General Assembly include activity report, financial statements, budgets, permission of entrants to new members and dismissing of members among others.
FUFA decided that the General Assembly should be rotated in all the 8 football regions with each region given a chance to host the coveted assembly. The rotation is done until the 8 regions are covered and the same sequence is repeated for the next years.
Prior to the Ordinary FUFA General Assembly, all member associations convene independent annual assembles in accordance with the FUFA Statutes.
This allows resolutions and reports from Members Associations to be agreed on before they are presented in the FUFA General Assembly for discussion.
The FUFA Executive Committee
The FUFA Executive is a policy making organ of the federation that takes key decisions on football matters in Uganda on a quarterly basis.
The Committee is headed by the FUFA President who chairs the meetings that happen on a quarterly basis to come up with key policy matters.
Currently, the FUFA Executive Committee is composed of 15 people including the FUFA President as the head, three Vice Presidents, eight delegates from the eight regions of FUFA and at least two Women representatives.
The FUFA Emergency Committee
The Emergency Committee deals with all matters requiring immediate settlement between two meetings of the Executive Committee.
The emergency committee consists of the President, the three Vice-Presidents and 1(one) member chosen from amongst the members of the Executive Committee and appointed by the Executive Committee for a period of 4 years.
The President convenes the emergency committee meetings. If a meeting cannot be convened within an appropriate period of time, decisions may be passed through other means of communication.
The standing committees of FUFA are:
- Audit and Compliance Committee;
- Committee for Match Integrity
- Competitions Committee
- Finance Committee
- Football Development Committee
- FUFA Licensing Committee
- FUFA Members Committee
- International Match Organisation Committee
- Legal Committee
- Marketing and Communications Committee
- Players’ Status Committee;
- FUFA Referees’ Standing Committee
- FUFA Women Football Committee
- The National Teams Committee
- Security and Safety Committee
The chairmen of the standing committees must be members of the Executive Committee with the exception of those for the Audit and Compliance Committee, who may not belong to the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee takes decisions on which specialized committees may be chaired by Persons that are not members of the Executive Committee.
The members of each standing committee are appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Members of FUFA or the President of FUFA. The chairmen, deputy chairmen and the members of the standing committees shall be designated for a term of office of two (2) years.
However, the members may be re-appointed and may also be relieved of their duties at any time
The FUFA Judicial Committee
The judicial bodies of FUFA are:
1- The Disciplinary Committee
2- The Ethics and Integrity Committee
3- The Appeals Committee
The judicial bodies consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and a specific number of other members.
The judicial bodies are composed in such a way that the members, together, have the knowledge, abilities and specialist experience that is necessary for the due completion of their tasks.
The chairmen of the judicial bodies shall possess legal training background except the Competitions Disciplinary panel and all members have to undergo an integrity check prior to their election or re-election.
The FUFA Secretariat
The FUFA Secretariat carries out all administrative work of the federation and is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The members of the general secretariat are bound by the internal organizational regulations of FUFA and shall fulfil the given tasks in good faith.
Currently FUFA has over 50 full-time staff members that oversee the running of day to day activities.
The CEO is appointed on the basis of an agreement governed by Employment Act must have the necessary professional qualifications.
He/She is responsible for implementing decisions passed by the General Assembly and Executive Committee in compliance with the President’s directives.
Scoreline Investments Limited
FUFA in nature is registered as a trustee body and thus cannot operate as a business entity. Therefore, Scoreline Investments Limited was created to act as the business arm of the federation.
Part of The Executive Committee of FUFA is the Board of Directors of Scoreline Investments Limited which must have the President of FUFA and six other members of the Executive Committee elected by the General Assembly.
All the revenue generated by the Scoreline Investments Limited are recorded as income to FUFA.
All the expenses incurred by the Scoreline Investments Limited are recorded expenses to FUFA.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors in this case the FUFA President provides an annual activity report to the Members of FUFA at the General Assembly.
The Documents of Registration of Scoreline Investments Limited includes a clause recognizing the supremacy of the FUFA statutes and is specific on the objectives of registration of Scoreline Investments Limited.
Scoreline Investments Limited only represents FUFA in matters that require a legal personality in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uganda.
The Term of the Board of Directors of Scoreline Investments Limited is congruent with term
of office of the corresponding members of the Executive Committee. In case the positions of the member of Executive Committee become vacant due to any reason, the respective person automatically ceases to hold his/her office of the board of Directors.
The FUFA Lincensing Body
The FUFA Executive Committee sets regulations regarding a club licensing system, governing the participation of clubs in competitions of FUFA.
FUFA will reserves the right of issuing licenses to clubs according to the club licensing system,
setting the minimum requirements adopted by CAF and FIFA.
The said club Licensing system includes in particular:
a) The minimal criteria to be met by the clubs in order to be allowed to take part in the CAF
b) The procedure for granting the license to the clubs.
c) The minimal requirements to be applied.
The FUFA Electoral Committee
This is a body entrusted with the powers to organize, supervise and monitor election process of FUFA.
The FUFA Electoral Committee scrutinizes the application of the intending Candidates within the time stipulated, declare them Candidates if found compliant with the FUFA Statutes, FUFA Electoral Code, and these Guidelines.
The FIFA Standard Electoral Code serves as a guide for the electoral code that every FIFA member association is required to draw up. It was approved in its current completed form by the FIFA Executive Committee at its meeting on 29 and 30 October 2007.
The Electoral Committee is nominated by the FUFA Executive Committee, approved and appointed by the FUFA General Assembly for a term of four years.
The FUFA Electoral Committee comprises of nine members, including the chairman, vice-chairman and seven members. The FUFA Chief Executive Officer serves as the secretary to the electoral committee. He/She takes part in the activities of the Committee in a consultative capacity.