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Key Decisions from the 23rd FUFA Executive Committee meeting

The FUFA Executive Committee convened on Tuesday 15th September 2020 and several decisions were made. These ranged from the ongoing health concern in regard to COVID-19, restart of football and change of names by several clubs.

Below are the decisions ratified;

The ongoing global health concern on Covid-19 has limited many institutions in holding physical meetings to discuss pertinent issues.

FUFA has also been affected and thus resorted to alternative forms of meetings mainly by applying the virtual online sessions.

On Tuesday 15 th September 2020, the 23 rd FUFA Exco held a meeting Chaired by FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo and took the following decisions

FUFA Competitions
The following regulations were ratified by the Executive Committee:-

  1. FUFA Authorised Competitions Regulations
  2. FUFA Registered Football Academy Regulations
  3. Stadium Regulations
  4. FUFA Competitions Rules amended for a league to have a minimum of 5 teams and a
    maximum of 26 teams.

Stadium Inspection Committee
The following Stadium Inspection Committee established as an Adhoc committee by the FUFA
Emergency Committee was ratified. It will undertake inspection of all stadiums submitted by clubs for
use ahead of the 2020/2021 season. The Adhoc Committee will submit stadium reports to the FUFA
Licensing Committee responsible for issuance of Licenses.

The Stadium Adhoc Committee has;

  1. Mr. Kalibbala John Chrizestom -Chairman
  2. Madam Nakimbugwe Annet -Member
  3. Mr. Ssonko Mark -Member
  4. Mr. Obote Dan -Member
  5. Mr. Anyau Frank -Member
  6. Mr. Kintu Ivan Bayige – Secretary

Licensing of 4 th Division players
The Licensing fees of players for all 4th Division clubs for the 2020-2021 season will be paid for by FUFA as part of the COVID-19 pandemic relief assistance. Clubs of the 4th division will henceforth not be charged by FUFA for player licenses for the season 2020-2021.  

Status of Competitions
(i) The following competitions have been cancelled for 2020:

  1. The FUFA Drum 3 rd Edition
  2. The Odilo 2 nd Edition (FUFA Primary Schools Football Championship)
Acholi Province Team players with the FUFA DRUM Trophy they won last year.
FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo handing over the Odilo trophy to Rays of Grace Primary School in 2019.

(ii) The FUFA Women Regional Leagues
The FUFA Women Regional Leagues are deemed concluded under article 18 of the FUFA Competitions
Rules. Consequently, the FUFA Women Regional League table standings at the first round in the Regional Football Associations of Buganda, Eastern, Kitara, North East and Northern are upheld as the
final table standings. Therefore a club at the top of the table as at the end of the first round is sportingly qualified for the
FUFA women Elite League 2020/2021.

The FUFA Women Regional Leagues in Western and Kampala RFAs are nullified as they had not completed first round.

(iii) The 46 th Uganda Cup will be played to conclusion unless the time is not sufficient.
(iv) The Super 8 will be composed of the top-most 8 clubs for the 2019/2020 Star Times Uganda Premier League season.
(v) The Second Division (FUFA Big League) for the season 2020/2021 shall be played in 2 groups, with 3 rounds.

Approval of club ownership and change of club names
The Executive Committee approved change of ownership of Doves All Stars FC to Development Structures (U) Ltd with immediate effect.

Change name requests by clubs approved
The following requests for change of names by clubs were approved by the Executive Committee unanimously:

Bright Stars FC chairman Ronnie Mutebi.
  1. Bright Stars FC to Soltilo Bright Stars FC
  2. Kengere Ward FC to FC Soroti Thunders
  3. Light SS FC to Soroti City FC
  4. Diamond Stars FC to Arua City Council FC
  5. Future Options FC to Rwampara Bulls FC
  6. U-Touch FC to Gulu City Council FC
  7. Northern City FC to FC Pager
  8. Ibanda United FC to Ibanda Municipal Sports Club
  9. Bukedea Town Council FC to Blacks Power FC
  10. Doves All Stars FC to Arua Hills FC
  11. Faith Hope Love FC to Moyo Town Council FHL FC

Change name request by Sorts Barca Rejected
The following request to change name was unanimously rejected by the Executive Committee. A request
by Sports Club Barca to change name (to Ibanda United FC) was rejected on the basis that the name was
currently used by another team. The change would lead to lack of clarity and potential integrity issues.

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