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Media Accreditation opens for 93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly in Masindi


FUFA’s General Assemblies always required top notch organisation to satisfy various stakeholders who are entitled or invited to the Assemblies.

On 5th August, 2017, the 93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly will be held in Masindi at the Kabalega Resort Hotel starting at 9am.

Accreditation if a key area for the sports media and other invited guests. The FUFA Accreditation Team has released guidelines for the media to follow especially for those with plans to cover the event.

Here is the link to follow for application

Media Accreditation for the 93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly in Masindi

Date: 5th August, 2017

Venue: Kabalega Resort Hotel
The information below is for members of the Sports Media interested and planning to cover the 93rd FUFA Ordinary General Assembly in Masindi on 5th August, 2017.

The FUFA Accreditations team for the Assembly in Masindi has opened the process to the media to start applying with effect from Wednesday 5th July to Wednesday 12th July, 2017 at 5pm.

Those interested in getting media accreditation for the coverage of the event will be required to fill in the form provided online before the deadline set.

Please note the following when applying for accreditation:

·  No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

· Accreditation per organisation will be limited to provide equal representation from other media houses.

· Media who are approved for credentials should not wear clothes or materials supporting any of the Candidates during the Assembly.

.Application is not automatic approval for Accreditation

.The Accreditation tag is non-transferable

.The Organiser of the event have the right to withdraw the accreditation tag if found out that false information was provided while applying during the exercise.

.The Organiser of the event reserves the right of admission and dismissal.
.Terms and Conditions apply regarding the FUFA Accreditation process.

Here is the link to follow for application

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