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Official statement from FUFA on President’s position

FUFA President Lawrence Mulindwa

The Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) wishes to inform the media and the entire public that:

 1.     It’s true the FUFA President Mr. Lawrence Mulindwa on Monday addressed his Executive Committee members at FUFA House and hinted on his intentions not to seek another term of office in the forthcoming elections scheduled for 30th August 2013.

2.      An official statement to this effect will be released to the public if found necessary in the near future.

3.      The President’s decision to opt out of football administration [if later confirmed] is however purely a personal choice and he is not succumbing to any pressure.

 4.     The Media is therefore requested to avoid creating statements that may damage the personality of the President or put him in conflict with any other party or individuals.


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