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President Yoweri Museveni expected to grace 91st FUFA Ordinary General Assembly

91st FUFA Ordinary General Assembly:

Soroti Hotel, Soroti

The 91st General Assembly in Soroti due this weekend (26th-27th September, 2015) will have a special guest in the county’s number one citizen, H.E, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of the Republic of Uganda.

This was revealed by the FUFA first Vice president, Justus Mugisha during the weekly press conference held on Wednesday at the FUFA House in Mengo, Kampala.

FUFA extends appreciation and will continue to involve the central government more into the beautiful game.

Justus Mugisha flanked by the FUFA Spokesperson, Ahmed Hussein told the well attended press conference;

FUFA 1st Vice President, Justus Mugisha addressing the media at Mengo on Wednesday. Left is the FUFA Spokesman, Ahmed Hussein

 We have invited H.E the President of the Republic of Uganda as Chief Guest to forthcoming General Assembly in Soroti. This is because of the support we receive from him with the most one when he funded the entire trip of Uganda Cranes to Comoros

The General Assembly is to run from the 26th -27th of September 2015 at Soroti Hotel.

86 football delegates, Member Associations and Interest Groups from all parts of Uganda will attend the General Assembly.

The Assembly will take place on two days, Saturday and Sunday.

MAIN PHOTO: The President of Uganda, H.E General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni with the FUFA President, Eng. Moses Hashim Magogo during the Villa @40 celebrations held at Hotel Africana recently

PHOTO CREDITS: FUFA Communications Department

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