The registration for promotional exercise of referees at Grade II and III has attracted 87 participants as the deadline looms.
The FUFA Referees Standing Committee (FRSC) set Sunday 22nd May, 2016 as deadline for the applicants to have submitted the necessary requirements for the exercise.
So far Buganda region (54 referees) and Western (17 ) have submitted names of referees for the promotional exercise.
FUFA Referees Manager Samuel Egesa noted that ‘verification has already started. FUFA will only handle applicants who sent in documents in time for the exercise’
Egesa added ‘we also received individual applications from Soroti, Lira totaling to 16 and will be considered as well’
FUFA is strict on the promotional exercise but the other six regions are likely to miss out. Regions yet to send in names are; Kitara, Kampala, North East, West Nile, Eastern and Northern.