The FUFA Executive Committee has unanimously agreed that hooliganism causes negative traction to collective efforts to build the various Ugandan football brands into commercial properties.
The Executive has now tasked the relevant football bodies to join hands with the Uganda Premier League and Clubs to undertake a campaign for mass sensitisation of the football fans about how actions of hooliganism and violence hurt the beautiful game.
The FUFA President Hon. Magogo Moses Hassim has issued a statement on behalf of the FUFA Executive with a powerful message ‘Say no to Hooliganism and Violence at Football Events’.
The full statement by the FUFA President – Click here
Say No to Hooliganism & Violence at Football Events
Actions of hooliganism and violence at football events may temporarily or permanently hurt, harm, injure and/or damage human beings, their properties and may end up causing permanent disability or even death in the worst-case scenario.
Such bestial acts cause negative traction to our collective effort to build the various Ugandan football brands into commercial properties that may earn Ugandan Football the resources it direly needs
FUFA Condemns in the strongest terms acts of hooliganism and violence. There is no justification whatsoever for such barbaric acts in the beautiful game. FUFA calls upon all well-intended persons and entities to condemn and fight Hooliganism and Violence
FUFA has observed that perpetrators and sympathizers of such acts are using decisions of match officials as an excuse to undertake such savage actions.
In the recent past, FUFA has on several occasions, without fear or favour, applied and publicly communicated corrective measures against match officials that do not correctly interpret and apply the FIFA Laws of the Game.
Ironically, many an occasion, such acts of hooliganism and violence have been when indeed the match officials have been correct in the interpretation and application of the FIFA Laws of the Game. In any case, there is no such a big and wrong decision by a referee that justifies throwing stones and objects at another human being.
Football is a game where many times the results are determined by human error of the players, coaches and referees. Even in competitions where technology is used, it is still never 100% clear of errors by match officials.
FUFA operates a zero-tolerance policy for match officials that are proven to have made deliberate incorrect interpretation and application of the Laws of the Game. Whereas many allegations are publicly made but none of those alleging has ever provided any information that could lead to proving any match official guilty of deliberate incorrect interpretation and application of the Laws of the Game
FUFA has provided clear mechanism for reporting match officials that do not correctly interpret and apply the FIFA Laws of the Game. Clubs and Entities have a right to formally complain to FUFA about the incorrect interpretation and application of the FIFA Laws of the Game by the Match Officials. Normally, FUFA relevant bodies follow the due judicial processes and those found in error are sanctioned accordingly. It is therefore uncalled for to attack match officials
On the other hand, there are only a handful of individuals at clubs who claim to be club die-hard fans but contribute nothing to the club that have perpetrated these barbaric acts. The clubs either know or have the means to identify these culprits if they indeed wish to put an end to these vices.
It is the principal obligation of clubs to understand and have records of their fans. It is also in the best interest of the club to educate its fans and supporters to support the club by buying club products and attending their matches. The clubs indeed need to remind the fans that there are only 3 possible outcomes of a football match thus a Win, Draw and a Loss. For any winner to exist, there must be a loser.
Going Forward:
FUFA, UPL and the Clubs will undertake a campaign for mass sensitization of the football fans about how actions of hooliganism and violence:
- are inhuman, barbaric, bestial, backward and exhibit intolerance
- are criminal in nature that may lead to death of persons and may cause imprisonment
- negatively affect the brand and image of club football in Uganda
- cause a negative economic impact on club football in Uganda
- contravenes FUFA Competitions Rules affecting sporting performance that may cause relegation of their respective clubs
- cannot be used to punish errant match officials as FUFA has the will and means to apply corrective measures for such officials once it is proven that they did not correctly interpret nor apply the FIFA Laws of the Game
As emphasis to the already existing rules, the FUFA reiterates that:
- FUFA organs shall undertake corrective measures against match officials who shall not correctly interpret and apply the FIFA Laws of the Game whether intentionally or as human mistakes.
- Corrective Measures for Match Officials who do not correctly interpret and apply the FIFA Laws of the Game whether intentionally or as human mistakes include:
- Caution
- Training
- Demotion to lower division leagues
- Suspension from Refereeing Activities
- Expulsion from Refereeing Activities
- Banned from administrative and sporting football activities
- FUFA shall also strongly protect the match officials who correctly interpret and apply the FIFA Laws of the Game but judged wrongly by the perpetrators and sympathizers of hooliganism and violence
- At any one match, the spectators present are considered to be fans of either the Home or Away Club by colours and insignia of the club or by actions of logic
- It is the obligation of the relevant culprit clubs to identify and report to FUFA the persons involved in acts of verbal and physical hooliganism and violence.
- It is sanctionable for the culprit club that fails to avail the persons involved in acts of verbal and physical hooliganism and violence
- Persons identified as perpetrators of hooliganism and violence at football matches are criminals and shall be reported to the relevant government authorities for justice.
Pursuant to article 37 of the FUFA Competitions Rules, the Executive Committee of FUFA hereby clarifies that:
- The Judicial Bodies (JBs) shall issue the gravity of the sanctions and fines about hooliganism and violence in consideration of the following:
- Whether the culprits are first-time offenders of the on-going season
- Whether the culprit are repeated offenders of the on-going season
- Whether the culprits are perennial offenders over seasons
- Whether the culprit club or entity presents the persons involved in violence and hooliganism to the FUFA JBs
- Co-operation provided by the suspects while the JBs undertake the matters before them
- Gravity of the actions of Hooliganism and Violence
- Protecting the Sporting integrity of the respective competitions
- Precedented decisions earlier taken
- In the opinion of the JBs, the corrective measures for hooliganism and violence shall be as one or a combination of following Suspended or Immediate fines and/or sanctions:
- Cash Fines
- Replay of the full match
- Replay of the match for the remaining minutes
- Deduction of Points
- Banned Home Stadium
- Banned Hosting of Matches in particular Geographical Areas
- Playing Matches without spectators
- Denial or Withdrawal of the Club License
- Exclusion
- Demotion to a lower division league
- The suspended fines and/or sanctions shall only be applicable in a period not more than 365 days from the time they are issued.
- The JBs may refer sanctions to the next season in order to protect the sporting integrity of the on-going competition
Hon. Magogo Moses Hassim