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TECHNICAL: Beginners’ coaching course starts

The beginners’ coaching course organised by the Uganda Football Players Association (UFPA) got underwaytoday at FUFA House.

In abid to improve on the area of technical, FUFA has embarked on a campaign that will see the numbers coaches rise.

The FUFA Technical Director Asuman Lubowa asked the participants to be ready for a new life after taking on this course.

‘This course will change your lives in your journey to becoming coaches. There are many courses lined up for you and you need to excel in the beginners’ said Lubowa.

The course has attracted 75 participants.

Here are some photos from day one of the course that ends this Friday


photo 4
Participants at FUFA House



photo 3
Former KCC FC defender Mubark Tenywa (L) and retired footballer Edward Ssali who played for Vipers FC last season, have started their coaching career today



photo 2
Bright Stars FC connection from L-R Anthony Bongole, Kawere and Eddy Kawesa


PHOTO CREDIT: FUFA Communications Department

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