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UGANDA CUP 2014/15: Draws For Round of 16 Held

The draws for the Uganda Cup round of 16 have been held at the Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) head quarters, Mengo on Wednesday (18th March 2015).

FUFA President Eng.Moses Magogo who was at the weekly press conference to deliver a special message , participated in the  draws witnessed by several club officials and the media.

FUFA Competitions Secretary and Head of I.T, Ali Mwebe guided the procedure of the draws at the well organized Press Conference


Ali Mwebe, FUFA’s Competitions Director presided over the draws. The FUFA President-a former secretary of the competitions committee was given the e honour to pick the teams for the first fixture which turned out to be Sports Club Victoria University and Kirinya Jinja SS.


Apart from URA and KCC, who are yet to play their round of 32 game, all the other 15 teams are ready to open up their fixtures in the round of 16.

The winner between URA and KCC on 24th March 2015 will travel to Luwero to play FUFA Big league side, Ndejje University on Friday, 27th March 2015.

Full Draws (Round of 16 Stage):

SC Villa Vs Proline Football Club – Nakivubo Stadium

Kyambogo Vs Sadolin Paints – Kyambogo University Play Ground

Baza Holdings Vs Police Football Club – Kawanda Play Ground

BUL F.C Vs Masavu F.C – Kakindu Stadium, Jinja

SCVU Vs Kirinya/Jinja S.S – Nelson Mandela Stadium, Namboole

Lweza F.C VS CRO – Mutesa II Stadium, Wankulukuku

Paidha Black Angles Vs Bright Stars – Bar Okoro, Zombo

Ndejje University Vs URA/KCC – Ndejje University Play grounds

MAIN PHOTO: FUFA President, Eng. Moses Magogo picked the teams for the first fixture. MAgogo is a former secretary of the FUFA Competitions Committee. Looking on from L-R: FUFA Executive Committee members Mariam Kaliga, Vice President Darius Mugoye and Dr. Patrick Bernard Ogwel.

PHOTO CREDITS: FUFA Communications Department


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