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Uganda Cup 2015/16: Round of 64 draw set for Thursday

43rd Uganda Cup:  Round of 64 and 32 Draws

Thursday, 14th January 2015 – FUFA House, Mengo-Kampala

Time: 10am

The 2015/16 Uganda Cup round of 64 and draws are set to take place this Thursday, 14th January 2016 at the FUFA House in Mengo.

This has been confirmed by the FUFA Competitions Director Ali Mwebe.

Five teams have been included in the draws on sporting merit after some regions failed to take up the allocated slots during the preliminary qualifiers.

Click here 2015-16_64 teams.UGCUP for teams in round of 64

New Vision F.C, KASE F.C, Mulago Old Timers, Seeta United and Kira United will join the rest of the successful Buganda and Kampala regional teams that made the mark through the regional qualifiers.

Given the timeline set for all Regional Football Associations to have their allocated teams submitted, the competitions found out that 5 slots were still available and thus redistributed to Kampala and Buganda Regions in a ratio of 3:2 in accordance with FUFA Uganda Cup Rules Article 19(1),(4) as below;

1) Preliminary rounds (where appropriate) shall be played to determine the participating teams for the round of 64.

4) Where a FUFA Region fails to register teams to play preliminary competition or take up slots allocated, the Tournament Organising Committee (TOC) shall on basis of sporting merit, re-distribute the slots to other FUFA Regions that have registered and staged the preliminary competition.

Results of the last round of the preliminary competition were considered.

Kampala and Buganda Regions respectively submitted teams and were accepted into the list of 64 for the 2015/16 FUFA Uganda Cup.

The draws will be held on Thursday January 14, 2015 FUFA House at 10:00am.

The draw procedure and entire teams list-64 will be communicated in the due course while matches will start on Saturday January 23, 2016 across the nation.

Sports Club Villa is the defending Champions. The winner of the Uganda Cup represents the country in the CAF Confederation cup.

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