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World Sports Press Body President Congratulates FUFA boss Magogo

Newly elected FUFA president Eng. Moses Magogo has today received  message from the ‘The International Sports Press Association (AIPS)’ president congratulating him upon his victory in the recently concluded FUFA elections.

In an election held during the 93rd FUFA ordinary general assembly held at Kabalega  Resort Hotel Masindi last weekend on August 5, 2017, Mr. Magogo got 69 out of the total 72 vote cast thereby getting the endorsement to lead  FUFA for the next 4 years.

In the letter dated August 8, addressed to the federation’s local address in Kampala, Mr. Gianni Merlo, the AIPS president after expressing his warm congratulations went ahead and wished the FUFA president success in his responsibilities in the next 4 years.

‘ I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between us, but also to grow a stronger relationship with AIPS and the sports Local body, Uganda Sports Press Association, USPA.’ read part of the letter highlighting the cordial relationship between the international sports press body, the local sports press body (USPA) and FUFA.

Below is the letter in full;

Mr. Moses Magogo Hassim
Federation of Uganda Football Associations

FUFA House, plot 879, Wakaliga Road-Mengo
P. O. Box 22518, Kampala, Uganda

Lausanne, August 08, 2017

Dear FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo,

Please accept my warm congratulations on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office for the second term

As you embark upon your Presidential responsibilities, on behalf of AIPS, I wish to assure you and the people of Uganda of the continued friendship as earlier extended.

I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between us, but also to grow a stronger relationship with AIPS and the sports Local body, Uganda Sports Press Association, USPA.


AIPS President,
Gianni Merlo

MAIN PHOTO: AIPS President Giannie Merlo.

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